Jayne Mansfield

was not beheaded in her famous, last accident. That is an urban legend. A wig of hers was removed and this is how the rumor got started. Aside from that everything about this pic is slime.

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.


The last scene is gorgeous. Jayne brings it totally. I love Miss Eileen!

Professional Jayne Mansfield fanatic/loverâ„¢ since 1980.


Howdy, TDF. Fancy meeting you here. I was running down a lead on 60's UFO witness Officer Lonnie Zamora and came across this title and here you were.


Lonnie got around didn't he?

Absolute perfection in the face of woofing!


Mansfield and Zamora. Who'd have thunk it?


Did they share the same single room furnished? They must have broken the rental contract.

Absolute perfection in the face of woofing!


Both gone. Can't ask.


Get Ouija board an while yer at it, look at my latest PM. How's the Monster?

Absolute perfection in the face of woofing!


Took her out for a freezing walk. She is OK. Would rather be warm, but she liked that walk.


Monsters need the aroma of open air.

Absolute perfection in the face of woofing!


She buried her snoot in the snow more often than not!

Speaking of Miss Mansfield, I met her daughter during the first installment of the filming of Ghoulies (1985). Could see a lot of her Mom in her face.


U mean Mariska?

Absolute perfection in the face of woofing!


Yes. Quiet. Mostly stayed with her friends. Kind of brooding. I don't think I ever saw her smiling. Nice voice.


We watch her everyweek for the last 12 years on wildly popular Law and Order SVU; U no like police proceedurals, but we adore.

Absolute perfection in the face of woofing!


Didn't care much for that one. Ms Hargitay acted as if her shoes were too tight or the sets smelled of boiled cauliflower.

Liked the other L&O shows.



Some of them are terrific no matter what U say. The original LANDO was the absolute best. Now we watch L and O UK as well.

Absolute perfection in the face of woofing!


Terrific it may be, but not my cuppa tea. Enjoy, mein freund.


Well halfway through this movie I felt like cutting MY head off.
