Curly Joe?

(Yeah, strange to chat about this movie almost 50 years later. Why? No big reason.)

There was one minor actor -- seemed like a bad guy (haven't finished watching, yet), with a mean scowl -- who looked like Curly Joe.

I mostly watched the Three Stooges in the early 70s, being in the single digits of age, so that's a far way to go for memory. Moreover, Curly Joe was a later replacement -- being in few episodes that I saw.

I tried to find the actor's name & such to see if he was whom I thought, but not enough info (no pic) provided to easily check. Anybody know? Or noticed a resemblance?

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I believe that Jackie Coogan, who played the mustached Matthew Basch, resembles Curly Joe DeRita. Matthew Basch was the friend of Reverend Zachary Grant. They were the two bad guys who were selling weapons to the Indians.

I am a long time fan of The Three Stooges. And I am someone who has met Moe Howard, Larry Fine and Curly Joe DeRita in person. So I definitely would have noticed Curly Joe DeRita if he had appeared in this movie.


Jackie Coogan was best known for playing Uncle Fester on TV's The Addams Family. He was also the child in Charlie Chaplin's silent film The Kid.
