MovieChat Forums > Rosemary's Baby (1968) Discussion > So the husband and neighbors wanted the ...

So the husband and neighbors wanted the Devil to impregnate Rosemary... they could have a demon baby to take car of? And it benefited their lives with good luck, such as the husband getting the acting job he wanted? I'm a little lost. What else was there to gain from them having the Devil impregnate Rosemary?

Maybe I should wait until I finish the film. I'm half way through it, but I'm very curious to know. I have seen this film years ago, but apparently didn't remember nothing from it.

In a world ruled by the dead, we are forced to finally start living.


I guess it would be very fulfilling for an octogenarian couple to raise a devil baby to adulthood. They would save money on Halloween costumes every year. I, myself, have never raised a devil baby, but I bet it would be fun. Satan could give the baby all kinds of powers, so the old lady and man would have someone with special powers to help them in their old age.


Rosemary would be giving birth to the Antichrist.

Minnie & Roman belong to a Satanic cult, and are trying to help Satan usher in his progeny as Roman says it "The Year is One!"
The Year of their *Lord*, the Devil.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


You guys actually need CLARIFICATION about this movie? It's obvious! They're a bunch of devil-worshippers looking to bring the Anti-Christ to earth. 1966 was the year chosen, as "year one," so they needed a human vessel for Satan's progeny, just like Christ and the Virgin Mary.

Rosemary was chosen because the other girl found out the Castevet's plan and killed herself. A deal was worked out with Guy, where he'd get success, and Rosemary was part of the bargain.

That's ALL very clear in the movie. I can't believe people don't "understand" or "get it."


Actually, it is revealed in Rosemary's *dream* during the rape, that Terry was killed by the coven because she found out about their plan and did not want to go along with it.

But regardless, the rest is accurate.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


I don't remember that. I do remember Rosemary overhearing Minnie arguing with Roman about "telling Terry," so I assumed Terry had killed herself.


You do have a point there.

Ro & Guy hear:
Minnie: "I don't think we should tell her (Terry) about it, if you want my opinion.
We just shouldn't tell her at all, that's MY opinion!"

And as the couple begin to make love, they hear the Satanic chanting begin.
This could either be a ritual to make Terry kill herself or a spell to throw her out the window.

Then after Terry's death, a sleeping Ro then *hears* through the wall (incorporates it into her dream):
Minnie [to Roman]: "Sometimes I wonder why you're the leader of anything."
Roman: "Shhhhh!"
Minnie: "I TOLD you not to tell her ahead of time, I told you she wouldn't be open-minded!"

So it literally could be either way, a suicide or a murder.

Cool movie! 

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


If they wanted her to kill herself, don't you think they would've removed her neck charm? It was still on when she died. And I can't imagine the Castavets wanting to draw attention to themselves by having her jump from their apartment. If anything, they'd want to keep things on the DL.

And I agree with you--it's a cool movie! I never get tired of it, and I enjoy discussing things like this with other people.

Did you notice that Rosemary is very clearly wearing a wig until she gets her hair cut? Look at the part in her hair.


Not necessarily. Why would they take the charm back?
Its not like the cops would have kept it (they evidently did not keep it, as Ro gets it as a gift).
Plus, it might look *weird* if Terry was found dead without it.....since she literally loved the necklace and never took it off!

Good point about wanting to keep her death 'quieter', but in the same vein, keeping her death close to home made it so they could control the *details*.
Such as the suicide note & make it look convincing.....Terry was transient and likely would 'die close to whatever home she was in'.

I did indeed notice Ro's wig. A strange one, but still flattering I felt.
I remember reading that the studio got so upset that Mia Farrow had gotten that pixie-haircut too soon, so they scrambled to get her a wig.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


I'm sorry but I couldn't FINISH THE MOVIE!!! So I want to know exactly what happened because I liked what I saw. Jesus!


Relax. Sheesh. Nobody's getting on your case. We weren't even discussing you or your "problem."

If you liked what you saw, why didn't you finish the movie? You "couldn't?" Why? "Too busy?" With what? I never heard of coming to a message board and asking questions about a movie you're "too busy" to even watch. That makes absolutely NO sense.

Why don't you just watch the frickin' movie, and then come here to discuss it?


Ahh because I had to leave. Maybe you have all the time in the world to finish every single movie you start watching but sometimes I have other things to do. If it was on Netflix I would've finished it by now.


Wow, snark! How odd that you don't have the time in your "busy" schedule to watch the rest of a movie that lasts an hour and a half, yet you DO somehow find the time to come here and post multiple RUDE posts about a movie you've never even bothered to watch. I guess your "other more important things to do" includes posting on IMDB.

Go figure.


Lol I made one post on here and then a few more responding to your ignorant and childish insults because I was unable to finish the movie. Get over yourself. You sound ridiculous.


More snark. No one was insulting you. We weren't even discussing your "viewing problem."

I think you should look in the mirror for "ignorant and childish." Why waste your time responding to me? Watch the f'n movie, and then we can talk. Sounds to me like you just want attention, and because the discussion was veering off from your original post, you had a hissy.

Why else would you say, "Jesus!" Like you're so incredibly annoyed? Take a chill pill, why doncha.

Cripes, some people are idiots.


I get it. You have no self awareness. You don't realize how foolish you are coming off right now. I will talk about this movie once I finish it, but it won't be with someone like you. Done with this immature conversation. Good luck in life if this is the way you act.


Have fun watching the movie. And maybe when you come back with something intelligent to say about the film, you'll get a good response!


I just wanted to say to both of you: reading this discussion in your avatar's voices is pretty damn funny 


Raising a devil baby hmmm? Only in the 60s lol.

I'd imagine a lot of money would be spent on special shoes for the little demon.

But yes, they were evil jerks who wanted to bring darkness into the world.

Guy was just a schmuck and an oddly overconfident 40 year old C Actor.
