What an apartment!

How much money did he make an an actor?

"It's the system, Lara. People will be different after the Revolution."


The trivia said the rent was @653 dollars. I suspect there's been some inflation in NYC rents.


How much money did he make an an actor?

Unless he were a major broadway headliner or movie star, not enough to afford that apartment.

Emojis=💩 Emoticons=


Satan gave them a discount because they knew the Castevets.


The apartment was gorgeous! I would have kept the original wood instead of painting it all white. The way Mrs. Gardenia had it looked beautiful, with the exception of all that clutter.


I think the building while grand had seen better days. You see the tile coming up off the floor and the wallpaper peeling and missing in places in the hallway. There appear to be workmen working on the place. It was also rent controlled Mr. Nicklas said they would raise the rent if they were allowed. So while it no doubt was expensive it was probably within the means of a fairly steady television and theater actor of the 1960s.


Yes, some people still pay less than $1,000 per month for those gorgeous old pre-war apartments thanks to rent control in New York, and they can't be forced out. I suspect their neighbors must be absolutely livid and jealous. I have always loved the Woodhouses' apartment...it is absolute perfection (minus the Satanic neighbors, of course!)


A co-op apartment in the Dakota averages 15 million today. 1965 standards would be 2 million. Somehow I doubt anyone paid that much for any New York apartment in the '60s however.
