MovieChat Forums > Rosemary's Baby (1968) Discussion > Was guy in on it from the very beginning...

Was guy in on it from the very beginning?

Or did he get compromised once they moved into their new place?


I think the movie & the book agree that Guy wasn't in on it from the VERY beginning, but from very early on.

The sequence goes...

1. Guy & Ro see apartment, sign lease & move in.

At this point, Terry is still alive & living with Castevets. They want her to be Satan's baby mama but she has no idea.

2. Terry finds out about Minnie & Roman's plan. She either kills herself or is killed by the coven - different folks have varying opinions about this.

3. A couple days after Terry's funeral, Guy & Ro have dinner with Castevets.

Guy initially doesn't even want to go to dinner - or so he tells Ro. He just lost out on a big part that day - foreshadowing! - & thinks that if they get chummy with Castevets now, they'll "never get rid of them".

They go to dinner at Castevet's anyway.

The ladies clean up after steak dinner while the hubbies chill in the living room. The book tells us that dinner clean-up takes over an hour.

While Ro washes dishes, she looks over at the doorway to the living room. She sees a long plume of smoke, hears nada & wonders what hubbies are talking about.

4. The night after that, Guy goes back to the Castevet's alone - supposedly to hear more drama stories from Roman. Sure.

Much later that night, she wakes up to find Guy smoking in bed & staring off into space.

I think the consensus is that Roman starts working on Guy to let the coven use Ro on the 1st night they have dinner, while ladies are doing dishes.

Roman sure doesn't waste any time!!

"Not all who wander are lost." - Tolkien 🌹


I agree with rainstorm.
Guy was only in on it after that first dinner with the Castavets, not before.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


Now that's what i call a clarification, thank you !
