MovieChat Forums > Rosemary's Baby (1968) Discussion > I wanted Rosemary to stab Guy!

I wanted Rosemary to stab Guy!

I love this movie but always though Rosemary should've attacked Guy at the end. She spits in his face, which is great...but what he did was so incredibly heinous, the punishment doesn't fit the crime. I so wanted her to take that butcher knife and really do a number on him, before those old people could even react. It's the one dissatisfying thing about the picture, in my opinion. Guy never got what he deserved.


Too easy to just kill him.

I'd make his life a living Hell and make him pay for the baby.

Even make him babysit while I went out on dates.


I couldn't believe that Ro just spits on him. I would have torn him to pieces for what he did!
But then, she was a near-complete doormat to him, so spitting on him (and the brief rebellion about the pregnancy-pain) was probably all she could handle!

Have you seen the sequel to the movie?
***spoilers for the film Look What's Happened to Rosemary's Baby***
In the sequel, Guy does get some comeuppance. Ro & Guy divorce (offscreen) and while he is somewhat successful, its still not quite what he wanted and things begin to go a bit downhill for him.
At the end, Guy tries to run grown Adrian's lady friend down, and dies when he crashes through the windshield of the car.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


No, she would have been jailed for life. She could have slapped him around, but that would not have lasted long either. What punishment? He was not punished in order to fit a crime; that was the point of the film.


I guess we are just used to such violence and "shock" drama in modern films and TV.

I was waiting for her to pick up the baby and jump out the window, or for her to stab herself, or stab someone else or for the Coven to kill her.

The fact that it was such a mundane ending with a kind of "You're just going to have to suck it up…" stance from the villains was pretty funny but maybe leaves a more lasting impression than just some quick violence.


*spoilers for novel & film below*

In the novel, she briefly considers jumping out the window w/her baby.

The film doesn't really mean to say a 'suck it up' ending, its more that Ro's motherhood instinct overpowers her urge to destroy them both.

The novel confirms this: Rosemary feels she can exert a powerful Good over the Evil in her baby, and wants to try.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


The fact that it was such a mundane ending with a kind of "You're just going to have to suck it up…" stance from the villains was pretty funny but maybe leaves a more lasting impression than just some quick violence.
As the other poster mentioned, it wasn't purely a film driven by circumstances. The plot was that Ro's emotions/maternal instinct took over, which is what the coven was hoping for.


The fact that it was such a mundane ending with a kind of "You're just going to have to suck it up…" stance from the villains was pretty funny but maybe leaves a more lasting impression than just some quick violence.

And made way for a sequel.


The only good thing about the "sequel" was Patty Duke in an underwritten role for the first 20-30 minutes.


The sequel was quite cheesy, but I loved the character of Adrian/Andrew. The actor who portrayed him, Stephen McHattie, was great.

I also enjoyed the *twist*, never seen before or since, with his character.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


True that. Guy was an ass.

Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, and Pete Townshend watch My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic


The character of Guy really floored me.
But in more ways than one. Okay, we know he was an unbelievable cad to sign over his wife to the coven (and the Devil!).

But to explain another aspect to it also floors me. This man is OK with letting Satan's own spawn grow inside his wife. (And can we assume he never gets any lovemaking from Ro all during those 9 months?!)

And then after the baby is taken, he can go on like nothing happened....AND go on having sex with a woman who had sex (and a baby with) the Devil?!

Just sayin'. 

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


Joseph was okay with God impregnating Mary, which is exactly the same thing.
