
Why would the doctor suggest taking aspirin for the pain if she was pregnant? That is harmful to a fetus.


Tylenol was the only thing I could take for pain that was prescribed by my doctor during both of my pregnancies.

What did you do, Ray?


That wasn't prescribed, I mean.
What did you do, Ray?


Tylenol was not over-the-counter until the early 70's.

There even used to be aspirin for infants and children.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good (wo)men to do nothing.E. Burke


Yes. (People need to remember that this movie was made almost 50 years ago...!)



Guarnot : calm down and try to refrain from the negativity and exclamation points. Are you screaming?

Luckily, most of us aren't covered in white body hairs and didn't live through that time.

I'm perfectly calm, but you sound a bit hysterical. I used one exclamation point. You replied with a gratuitous insult and advised me to "refrain from the negativity"?

You asked about something in the movie that seemed off. Based on current knowledge and medical practice, it would be. Based on knowledge and practice of that time, it wasn't. If you ask a question about something from a movie made in the 1960s, don't be offended if you get responses from people who know something about that period.

And despite whatever fantasies you may have, I'm not covered in white body hairs. Sorry to disappoint.


Baby and children's aspirin still exists, but never give aspirin to a child that has a fever or any viral illness. This has to do with Reye syndrome.

Well, the city's being built and I'm winning this game. So don't interrupt us with trifles.


The above poster is right: This movie was made in the '60s, and reflects the knowledge of the time.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


Definitely, at the time, aspirin was used and considered safe. They still had a lot to learn.


They still had a lot to learn.

Oh, sure! I guess they don't need to learn anything nowadays!

But, wait... What about all of those ongoing lawsuits against drugs that came into use rather recently?! I see the lawyers' ads on TV throughout the day every day: medications AND medical procedures that have had dire consequences.

Face it: We'll always be learning about medicine and what we should/shouldn't take or have done. Years from now, they'll be criticizing Gen XYM for taking various drugs when they should have KNOWN they were dangerous!

The Sixties were far from the dark ages! Sheesh!

(W)hat are we without our dreams?
Making sure our fantasies
Do not overpower our realities. ~ RC
