Cuchillo question?

Would Cuchillo have raped the girl down by the water, or was he just trying to seduce her?

El sueño de la razón produce monstruos



He wasn't a rapist or murderer so he wouldn't have raped her. That is one of the points of the film. He may have been a criminal, a robber and sometimes killer (but only in self-defence) but he wasn't an evil character like the capitalists were; they just accused him because they could do that. He was a nobody and thus an easy target to become their patsy.

"The game's afoot!"


Initially felt like one of the weaker plot mechanisms, you can pass it off as he was just innocently fooling around, but considering what had happened a few days ago and what he was accused of you'd be a hell of alot more sensitive about anything you do being misconstrued as the act you've been falsely accused of. Thinking about it more I try to pass it off as: hes as confused as most of us normal folk about paedophilia and considering she was married to a 50+ year old he wanted to see if the child was as sick and twisted as the old man she was married to and try to understand the whole situation. We've probably been desensitised a little to paedophilia and accepted these sick people are out there but try and think back to when you first heard about it and how twisted and out of this world crazy it sounded. He was trying to grasp an illogical situation through an illogical act.


It's left deliberately open - ended, but I think as you initially suggest,"he was just innocently fooling around".
