
This site lists one of the genres as comedy. Did anybody find anything funny about this movie? There are some dramas that have a couple of funny moments but still shouldn't be considered to be comedies, but I didn't see one funny thing in this movie.


Well, Anthony Perkin's acting was pretty funny.


The humor is pretty subtle for the most part. I'd recommend watching it again.


It's funny in the sense that Perkins pursues the girl of his dreams, only to find she's more wacko than he can handle. A lot of us guys can identify with that.

"Truth is its own evidence." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


I've seen this twice now and still not sure why He turned himself in at the end and let her off the hook?! Still scratching my head! Can anyone else explain?


Well he knew if they actually tried to run to mexico they would get caught. But I think it has to do with what he tells Azenauer at the end about the poison. How he realized no one would listen to him so he figured the best thing to do is to let the poison run until people finally discover how bad it is for them selfs. Same with Sue Ann. The police would never believe him that she was actually crazier than him and the one that killed her mother, but let her alone and eventually she will get caught doing something. I dont think you can be that nutty without people catching on at some point and I think the last shot of Azenauer watching her go of with that guy foreshadows that. Remember what he says he learned, “people only pay attention to what they discover for themselves.”

before you can get rolling, your life makes a beeline for the drain.


Because he was in love with her. We're made to think in the beginning that Sue was a naive, innocent girl who would get taken advantage of by men but she's the one that used him and had him take the fall for her kills because she played him. She knew all along that he wasn't a secret agent. He already had his reputation of being a liar so for him to claim he did the murder and turn around and claim he's innocent wouldn't never help his case. In the end she find her next victim who we are to assume that she'll try to convince the guy to kill the people she's staying with. Morton who believed Dennis was innocent watched her because he knew Dennis was innocent and suspected that she was the poison. Who knows, if there's more killings, he can get her arrested and build a case against her to free Dennis. OR if it's gonna be a horror film, she'd suspect him of following her and then kill him, getting the new guy to take all the blame.


I wasn't expecting a comedy but I laughed the whole way through the film!

The humour is very macabre. I would call the film a black comedy.


Yes. It's a black comedy, at least for the most part, and not without some social commentary, either. That the latter isn't sledgehammered into us is much appreciated.

Still, it's not one for all tastes. But if you're in tune, it's a scream -- in one way or another. A fine little film.


It's a black comedy, at least for the most part.... A fine little film.

^Totally agree. Plus, it has Anthony Perkins and Tuesday Weld in their prime. They both have great screen persona in this film.


Well, sometimes someone is in charge of classifying hundreds of films and doesn't have time to thoroughly examine each one. Maybe the person saw a still frame of a scene where Sue Ann was laughing, and it looked like a comedy.


It's definitely a black comedy


