Dennis' place of work

When Dennis is meeting with his parole officer at the beginning of the film, he states that he will be working at Lowell Lumber and Supply. Dennis even says that working at a lumber yard is a slight waste of his talents. When he actually goes to work a few scenes later, he's working at Sausenfeld Chemical Co. Can that be intentional (maybe I missed something), or is it a continuity error? Seems kind of glaring. Anyone else notice?


I second the question. Then again, I think he ditches the parole officer for a solid year, leaving the parole officer to track him down, so perhaps part of that involved skipping on to another job, another place.


An excellent question that the movie doesn't seem to adequately address, unfortunately.

I'm guessing that things didn't work out at the lumber company and the movie picks up at a subsequent job.

A good catch, on the part of the OP.


Good point! I worked at a function hall that used to use prisoners in the kitchen on work release and they'd someone have to send them elsewhere if the event cancelled out. It's possible that the Lumber Yard called at the last second and they scrambled to put Dennis somewhere. Plus, too, him working at a chemical plant was key to the plot.


I think Dennis was serious when he said the lumber yard was a waste of his talents - I think he enjoyed working around chemicals. (There's a copy of a Scientific American in his trailer). And yes, the film gives you no clues that a year has passed, and that he has found his desired workplace. That workplace being somewhere where he could cause some sort of destruction.
