Didn't age very well

Very cheesy by today's standards. Totally different from 2001 A Space Odyssey from the same year which looks it could have been made today.


Thats because the apes did not have advanced technology. What were you expecting?


That's not what I'm taking about. The whole thing looks like a B movie today.


It was a B movie. This was one of the few franchises where each following film was better than the previous one. Battle for the Planet of the Apes is the best in this franchise


I always preferred Escape myself. You know, the typical fish-out-of-water story?


I thought Escape was dumb. They should have just started fresh showing how the apes took over eventually rather than have Cornelius and Zira fly the space ship back in time


Seeing as you believe each sequel is better than its' predecessor then you can't have thought much of the first two then.


The original was the best. By far


Which is not what you said 25 days ago in this very thread.

It was a B movie. This was one of the few franchises where each following film was better than the previous one. Battle for the Planet of the Apes is the best in this franchise.

Your words!


I have a few illogical posts on these boards. That was one of them


Still the best of all the Apes movies and sequels and prequels and reboots. A great movie.


Yes, it is indeed.


I agree


I disagree. I have watched this movie again today. It is an excellent film it does not matter how old it is.


Agreed. I would rather see the 1968 original and the 70s sequels than any of the new updates with their boring CGI apes.


The sequels are just ok for me, the best is the first one. I also like the movie of the year 2001.




2001, is the biggest piece of shit behind the original Bladerunner, ever to be made by Hollywood. I'll take Apes in Rubber masks any day over those shit show movies.


Holds up very well for me. It's not meant to be a hard science-fiction film, but a darkly satiric & semi-allegorical film, utilizing science-fiction as a frame for what it wants to say about humanity. And that part of it is still quite applicable today ... perhaps even more so.


Damn you, you bloody baboon!


I'm sure if they had access to the same sound stage they faked the moon landing with Planet Of The Apes would have turned out better


Yeah didn't age well??? They have been making sequels and remakes ever since
