
the grate dane made this movie that much more interesting. He resembles my pit labrador mix Scoob that I have at home. He made Bernice more tolerable because at least she was consistantly good to her dog.

I agree with almost everyone here that this movie is strange for Elvis, but I couldn't get enough of the old LA scenery and 60s decore. The house he moves to is quite beautiful, especially the exterior.


I got a kick out of the dog too. I couldn't help but laugh when they'd show the dog making that face while either Elvis or Michele were in the water. I'm wondering how they did that. The dog looked like Scooby Doo after eating a sandwich poisoned by Shaggy.


Albert is actually Elvis' dog Brutus!



I got directions to Elvis' house at the top of Holmby Hills , above Sunset, from women I babysat for who were crazy fans of Elvis. They were young, early 20s, starting families, 2 sisters and their best friend. Two of them were very pregnant, one with her 2d child, the other with her third, they wanted to visit Elvis' house before getting tied down with 2 new babies for a total of 7 kids under the age of 6 or 7. It was a hell of a babysitting job--all 5 kids--but they were precious, very broke, and my mom frowned on turning down any job. I was about 13.

Every time they had tried to find Elvis there, he'd been out of town, so Priscilla would be staying in the house. Elvis and Priscilla took turns by then, not living together, in the mid 60s (1965-67 sometime?) She had a guard agency watch the house while she was there, and they actually got to know the guard who was usually there for her. Elvis had his own guards--tough, professional, according to her guard.

It was a super hot day they chose to try one more time, in the middle of the day. When they got home, I could tell there was a difference. They were so excited, in 7th Heaven! It turned out that they had tried to climb this wall on the side of the house to get oranges from the tree(s) in his yard near the fence--Elvis' oranges. They were tiny ladies, except that 2 were close to delivering babies. So they were helping the 3d that could climb easier...and the guards caught them. Elvis' guards, ones they had never seen since they had missed him every time. Till now. Well, Elvis was there and worried about the pregnant women in upper 90 degree heat climbing on his wall...

Showing just how special he was, he invited them in, served them cold drinks, gave them lotsa oranges and autographs. They were such fans of his and it meant so much to them. He could have dumped it on the guards, but he personally made sure they were refreshed and ok. Treated them well. Made their lives!

When I got my drivers license, a few yrs later, I had to see this house I had heard so much about, and drove up there with my brother...last house on the right, the city view side.... Priscilla was in residence, not Elvis (I don't even know if they were still married), but her guard was a really nice man, just as they had reported. It was late in the evening, and we could see the magnificent city views. It was a modern house like the one in the movie. But at the top of the hills above Hollywood/Beverly Hills. Beautiful.
