
Is this film a prequel to a later Herzog Film "stroszek"?


No relation, other than the use of the same name. In the commentary to "Stroszek," Herzog notes that he got the name from a school-mate of his. He asked the boy to write a paper for him. In return, the young Herzog promised, "I will make your name famous!" He made good on his promise, naming the main character in Signs of Life Stroszek, as well as the later film of the same name.

Hope that helps.


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The DVD version released in the USA has, as do all other DVD versions of Herzog's films, an illuminating commentary. I use the word illuminating in the sense Herzog uses it in the commentary segment of the DVD, even though he says he does not like to use the word. The reference to the schoolboy's name Herzog uses includes a reference to making him IMMORTAL, which is more powerful than saying famous. It is, I contend, the same reason why Herzog himself is committed to including a full commentary segment in all of his films. They are, after all, his brain children, and he hopes they all will be well understood by viewers now and in the future. Herzog is one of the most philosophical directors, even though he does not even try to be philosophical.


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