Call me crazy...

...but I think this movie is great. I find Arkin's French accent far less ridiculous than Peter Seller's, his incompetence greater and then of course more humorous, and I think the physical comedy here is better. I have a few more in the Panther series before I've seen all, but oddly enough, this one is my favorite thus far.


Call me crazy...

who wants to say it?

ok, i will...

you're crazy...


Somebody's gotta make the easy jokes... :)


You are not crazy, i liked it too.


You're not crazy. Although I prefer the other ones, but this movie is different, but still good.

"The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced."-FZ


You are ALL crazy! This movie is COMPLETELY and utterly valueless, boring, unentertaining and unfunny trash that should never have been made!

There's no vision, charisma or interesting story, and the performances couldn't be more cringy.

HOW can anyone like this and not be crazy?? Of course you are crazy, or at least have no taste or understanding of what makes a movie good.


It actually had its moments, and familiar faces.

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I've admired both Sellers (a lot) and Arkin my whole life. Only recently I realized just how versatile and talented Arkin really is. That said, when I began watching this film last week I was bracing myself for a bad film and the urge to cringe. To my surprise there was no cringing and I enjoyed this version the best, but I think it may be something about the pacing of the film that works better for me than with the others. Arkin's facial expressions and mannerisms always add a spark to his roles, as was the case with Clouseau. I would watch it again.

People eat cotton candy. This is's made out of real cotton.


while i am a fan of the sellers clouseau i actually quite like this one as well. I hadnt known it existed until recently and i was prepared for it to be horrible. and it wasnt. it was different, a different version of clouseau one not so much incompetent as simply nuts. this film makes me realize as i never had before that the character of inspector clouseau is truly a great character not simply great performances by peter sellers. Before seeing this film i believed that it would simply impossible for clouseau to ever be seen on screen besides the sellers films. now i think at some point there will be another great interpretation of the character because there is enough there for a great actor and director and writers to interpret. I havent seen the steve martin films, ive been pretending they dont exist. But now i realize that i am a clouseau fan not simply a sellers fan so im going to check them out. No i dont really think steve martin will be the next great closeau he is clearly the wrong man for the job. but he may be an ok clouseau. I believe that right now sacha baron cohen is the only person who could really do clouseau justice.
