Terrible film

Heather Menzies made some bad choices after "The Sound of Music."

This flick comes across as a cheap, TV sitcom-ish mess. Doris Day did much better "With Six...." (I bet that this script was floated by Day, who knew better.)


Heather Menzies made some bad choices after "The Sound of Music."
I don't know about Heather, I hadn't even noticed her in the movie. Her bio probably explains her choices but I think she started young and then grew up in the industry. That transition is often difficult especially if there are other things competing with the career like school, marriage, children, etc.

Some people just want to act and earn money without trying to be big stars. They make choices that fit their lifestyle instead of adjusting their lives to act. Again, I have no idea what happened in her case. I'm just speculating.

This flick comes across as a cheap, TV sitcom-ish mess. Doris Day did much better "With Six...." (I bet that this script was floated by Day, who knew better.)
I happen to like the movie. Some parts were a bit flat and slow but there were some places I couldn't stop laughing. I loved, for instance, when Grif is driving to the villa to find his wife. He's imaging all sorts of crazy things. When he says the Frenchman was lurking at their wedding I laughed so hard. It shows how people's imaginations can run off in unreasonable tangents and they convince themselves of all sorts of things.

I'm a much bigger fan of Debbie Reynolds than I am of Doris Day so I'm fine with the casting. I've always thought of Debbie as cute, perky, and fun. I haven't seen nearly as many Doris Day movies but in the ones I remember her personality seems put on or forced. She also stars often with Rock Hudson and I've never been a fan of his. That would explain why I've missed a lot of her movies.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]


MENZIES acted in only a few bad films after "Music" and "Hawaii." She then ended up in TV. Her life story is well-known. Just Google it.

REYNOLDS is great. This flick just comes across as a weak, Day/Garner wanna-bee.

Day is brilliant, and has been offered the Honorary Oscar several times, only to turn it down. She was nominated for a standard Oscar, once. So was Reynolds. You might see Reynolds given the Honorary Oscar this year - rumors are floating about it.

I am quite aware of actors and the industry, as I've been in production for quite some time, and have studied it extensively via degrees, etc. It is my chosen career since the 80s.


James Garner’s own take on this movie, from his autobiography The Garner Files: A Memoir:

How Sweet It Is! ½*
Loved Debbie Reynolds. Loved Paul Lynde. Loved Terry-Thomas. Hated the movie.

Me, too.


It is a very stupid movie. Stupid can be funny or it can just be stupid. This movie is just plain stupid.
