Brings back memories

When I was in high school, my parents took over management of a small, 1940s era movie
house. We ran current movies in second run for cheap admission on the weekends, and I got
the plum job of projectionist. To practice my craft, I dug up all the film I could find hidden in
the projection booth and behind the screen. In the first set of film cans I dug up, I found
reels wrapped up with brown tape that read "NIGHT OF THE BLOODY APES." With a title like
that, who could resist?

I have fond memories of Night of the Bloody Apes, as I screened it quite frequently for my
friends in high school. It was nastier, bloodier and creepier than anything they'd ever seen.
The plot and technical quality of the film are utterly laughable, but it still has the power to
make you wince and squirm.

I often mentioned the title to friends and film buffs through the years, but nobody seemed to have heard of it. I'm glad to see this crazy little movie does have some other fans.


Were you able to keep the film cans you found? They must be worth something.


I can't imagine how much they would be worth.


Unfortunately no, I don't have the film anymore. Wish I did!
