Is this porn?

I was just wondering if this movie is porn, like all his others? If it is, I have no intentions of watching it. Let me know if anyone happens to know.


If you think "all his others" are 'porn' I think you might be missing what he's trying to do.

I can understand why some people don't 'get' Borowczyk but how many of his films have you seen in order to dismiss his entire body of work as 'porn'?

Whatever the case, 'Goto...' is more than worthy of anyone's time. Read the 'user comments' on IMDB and they'll reassure you that the film doesn't contain the salacious elements that are contained in some of the director's later films.

Your message board profile suggests that you like the Quay Brothers in which case 'Goto...' will definately be of interest to you. You should also check out 'Blanche' and his early animated works if you ever get the chance!


but his other films aren't porn...

'i regard it [religion] as a disease born of fear'

bertrand russell.


It's not even close to being porn.

Baseball lies to us seductively, and we know we're being seduced, and we don't complain.


This movie is not pornographic at all; the nudity is quite tame
