The resurrection scene

How come Dracula was lying dead in the streams of the mountain when he perished in the castle moat in the previous film????

"Know what he was doin on our weddin night? Makin a hutch."
"A hutch..? What for?"
"Bugger only knows!"


Maybe his body floated there.

A bigger issue is why his castle now looks so totally different and why you need to be a mountain climber to reach it. The previous film, a horse and cart just went up by the main road.

Or an even bigger question - when Dracula see's he is barred by the cross from entering, why not just have the priest now under his spell and who is clearly still human not remove it immediately, instead of going to another village to grab a girl to do it for him?


I think it's cos the castle was exorcised before he came back to life. Maybe. :O)

You stole my wallet, you fat bitch!


That would only explain why the priest cannot remove it for him, not why the girl can. She does nothing to the castle to remove the exorcism.

But it was a good try.



Maria was not his daughter but his niece.

"Cum Grano Salis"




The castle looks different because its a different set


It wasn't a moat; the script specifically said that it was "running" water, thus capable of carrying his body away.


That's the least of that scenes problems. The thick ice cracks because a guy bushes it with his arm and then a trickle of blood just happens to run directly into Dracula's mouth reviving him and then a few minutes later Dracula's clothing is perfectly dry.

It's actually a very clumsy and badly staged scene that really makes no sense.


I agree it was a lame scene.


Regardless, its still probably the best vampire/Dracula movie ever


I'll say I enjoyed this more than the overrated Horror of Dracula.
