
I would love to buy this film for my mother who loved it when she saw it for the first time. However, we live in the UK and don't have multiregion video so I can not buy the VHS but does anyone know if the film is out on DVD region 2 yet?

It's a long story but mum is ill and we can not get her to Italy where the film was shot but this would be a small compensation.

Any help would be welcome.




The film is showing on MORE 4 (cable channel) on Tuesday, 5th December at 1.30 pm. I realise that this is short notice, but it will probably come on again before long, probably on Channel 4. More 4 has a logo in the corner, but at least the film is shown widescreen. Keep an eye on the listings! Hope this helps.

CHeers, DB


I'm also looking for this film on DVD. As far as I know, it's not yet on DVD. I have searched ebay and Amazon, so far I have not located a copy on DVD. I have the VHS copy though.

I'll check ebay and other sources periodically. If I run across a copy on DVD for your region, I will post a message here.

I assume your mother is sentimental about this film?


I imagine your mother is not alone in being sentimental about this film either.

Back in July 1980, I was studying for my final accountancy exams (for the fourth time !) and on the Sunday evening before the exams started on the Tuesday morning, I noticed that the BBC were showing this film. I'd had a really long slog studying that day, and had intended to carry on that evening, but when I saw the film trailer, I thought "Oh stuff it, I'm going to watch Buona Sera Mrs Campbell instead !"

Am I glad that I did ! I always used to get tensed up about exams, but watching this film made me laugh so much and made me feel so relaxed that I did not suffer at all from my usual exam tension - and this time, I passed.I have so much for which to be grateful to this film (and the whole cast really shone, especially Shelley Winters and Phil Silvers) and I did manage to get the theme music on vinyl (I still have that),plus the VHS version of the film.

I totally agree that it should be brought out on DVD - it is a gem !!!
