Is Steve in Mexico?

I am in the airport departure lounge just waiting to go. My life savings are being blown on this trip. Is it going to be worth it?


Steve is definitely in Mexico, it's his spiritual home - anarchic, spicy, cool. Full of weirdos. Of course he's there.

You had life savings? I will see you in Acapulco at the Guano Cafe - my container will be there by the beginning of March 2015. Wait for me by the toilets. Check out the local strumps. Buy me a burrito and a beer - but I don't want any of that lime in the bottle bull s *h* i* t* !!

& Regards


Dear Feggster,

I have arrived in Southampton late this afternoon and am now aboard the Albanian container ship 'The Strumpet of the Seas'. I have no idea where you are, but as I stated, I will be arriving in Acapulco some time early next year.

I have mixed feelings about this because I was not aware that I would be sharing a container with an assortment of rubber goods, which smell quite bad. On the plus side, if I get buffered about in rough seas, I will be quite well cushioned. Apparently when we go round the Horn it could get quite choppy.

Encouragingly, the ship itself looks reasonably seaworthy - the crew are very experienced if the amount of dirt on their trousers is anything to go by...

I am hoping that the locals will be able to point me in the right direction as to where Stevie (And The Peckster) settled into their new life - we know of course, that it will be close to the sea because of Stevie's absolute love of crab meat. (He abhors the tinned or frozen stuff, according to Screen Legend magazine.)

Let me know where you are - I should be able to log on and find an internet cafe when we dock at Buenos Aires in a month or so.

Buena suerte!

ps. Please research Acapulco red light areas for me - my balls are going to be extremely full on arrival. Thanks.
