Something about the trivia!

This is the very first paragraph in the Triviva section of this film:

20th Century Fox originally hired Terence Rattigan to write the screenplay based on the book by Gerold Frank, but he wrote it as a comedy and was replaced by Edward Anhalt. In Rattigan's version, the killer was revealed, by a computer, to be Darryl F. Zanuck.

It's the most hilarious thing I've read all month! It just sounds so absurd that I find it hard to be true. Has anyone ever heard/read about this from another source or did the guy who added it to the trivia just make an ingenious joke?



Well, there might be truth to that original concept for "The Boston Strangler" if you consider that the biggest hits that 20th Century-Fox had around that time (1967-68) were campy productions like "Our Man Flint" and it's sequel "In Like Flint" (James Coburn spoofing James Bond). And let us not forget the mega-hits of the cult classic series "Batman" and "Lost In Space", both were off-the-wall campy shows that are still making money for 20th-Fox. So it's not totally absurd for them to have planned the movie to go that route when goofiness was big bucks at that time.
