Tony Curtis - Vocal cop-out

I'm not a big fan of this movie, but I do own a copy of it.

One big problem with the celebrity guest-villain concept (of Curtis as DeSalvo) is that before De Salvo is captured, when we hear his voice over his victims security systems, it's not Tony Curtis' voice. Apparently the film-makers didn't want to give him away too early, but if they chose an actor instead of a celebrity they wouldn't have had to be dishonest at all.
But this movie is overflowing with dishonesty.


Why not just have him disguise his voice?

... but I do think it slightly unfair to suggest that a 'celebrity' cannot also be an 'actor'...

Do you like having sex? Then DON'T buy a Nintendo!


I think they gave him away too early by simply having his name up front and center, have the first hour be about the manhunt, have the police investigate everyone and come up empty with no Tony Curtis. Seriously, who was he going to play? The 12th victim?


I'm looking at it now and they are discussing that he had a split personality. that's why the other voice.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...
