Rated PG???

The DVD currently offered is rated PG. I saw this film in a theater when it was first released. That was 40 years ago but I thought this film should have rated a hard R. Is my memory faulty or has the DVD been cut?



I think it was always PG. The MPAA was more lenient back then regarding sex/nudity.


The good ol'days when movies lived up to the ratings. When everything Disney made was a solid G rated, and R rated meant alot more than a well placed F word. Now most films fall into that catch all PG-13 segment, including some Disney films.


Actually, in the old days an F word would get you an automatic R rating. The MPAA was not more liberal about nudity and sex at the time....not sure where you go that idea.

But....Barbarella was released shortly before the rating system was instituted and it carred a "mature audiences only" warning. It was re-released in the late 70's with a PG rating.

We did not have a PG-13 rating until the mid 80's. Until then, a lot of movies were slapped with R ratings for having a few seconds of nudity, or a single f word....which was ridiculous. Now and then, a film would slip through and get a PG....such as this. Given the times, I'm surprised it did.


The film came out shorly before the rating system was established. The original advertising and posters said "Suggested for Mature Audiences,". The theater I saw it in was not admitting anyone under 16. The original version would definitely be "R" in my opinion. It was re-released with a PG, though I haven't seen that version, I was under the impression it contained some cuts. I saw it when it first came out, and since only on AMC. The AMC version was censored, which was expected,I have not seen the DVD with the PG rating though.


I was not aware that the movie is now rated PG. I am pleased, but VERY surprised.

Would you believe that when it was first released in the UK, 'Barbarella' was actually given the 'X' certificate? This was an strict over-18 rating which was usually reserved for films with graphic sex and/or violence such as 'Last Tango In Paris' and 'Straw Dogs'.

The times sure have changed!


All UK ratings are strict. IE no one is admitted under the age of the rating regardless of who they are with. Unlike the US where it only applies to NC-17


This is a deeply erotic film, no way should it be just a PG.


I saw Barbarella when it was first released and vividly recall it being a 'Hard R' as someone mentioned. My father, bless his heart, would take me to local bar when I was 13 and he would slowly imbibe until he was in little condition to do much else. During that time I would leave the bar and walk a few steps to a new and progressive suburbian cinema that featured rocking chair seats and the most unique of international films. All they cared about was getting the few bucks from me - age didn't matter. I saw Barbararella along with Elvira Madigan, Last Tango, Walkabout, and a few others I can no longer recall.

As a budding adolescent I was transfixed by Jane Fonda, as many boys were during that time. I never ever imagined that it would be classified as a PG rated film, if just for the innuendo alone! I can't really imagine what was edited out - in fact, as I recall, rather shamefully, I was obsessed with the presence of a breast in the opening credits, which I recall as being more tastefully covered by letters than they are in the current releases. Barb is showing on telly in the UK this week and is listed as a PG.

Now, more than forty years later, it's all quite humorously innocuous. But at the time, with my being in the southern part of the states, the film was pushing the bounds of social decency. Indeed times change.

I can't easily envisage a remake of this film - certainly not with an expectation of it being profitable. But surprises do happen. My concern is that it's far too cheesy for anyone to embrace nowadays.

Fr. B+


This was on ITV4 in England at the end of August. ITV don't bother with ratings but I wouldn't feel comfortable watching this with a bunch of kids.

I don't think the film is up to much. It's just more or less about the pill and the supposed sexual freedom that this brought in the sixties. The attitude was that there was now no reason for any woman to say no to sex. I don't think men took into account that maybe women would still turn them down because they thought they were repulsive.

I wonder how long it'll be before this film gets a Universal rating? Tut tut.


I can't easily envisage a remake of this film-certainly not with an expectation
of it being profitable.
Well,if they do a remake,i don't think it will be very faithful to this movie.


It has been on the board before, but as a refresher:

The original movie was BARBARELLA,
the (recent) consumer releases are BARBARELLA QUEEN OF THE GALAXY.

eBay occasionaly lists the laserdisc X-rated item, so it was available in that format, as well as the 'queen' PG version (later release) on laserdisc, VHS, and DVD, (maybe PSP, Betamax, and CED also?).
The 'queen' was edited, but the original was even picketted (and banned by churches!) as the first X-rated movie shown in my home town!

The rating classifications were different in those days when the birth control pill and 'free love' were completely new.


I posted this on another thread too wikipedia disagrees:

in the years since its initial release, Barbarella has garnered a cult following. After the blockbuster success of Star Wars, Barbarella's original "Suggested for Mature Audiences" theatrical version was re-edited to remove or mask any nudity, and re-released in 1977 with a PG rating and advertised as "Barbarella: Queen of the Galaxy".......

.......Barbarella was first released for the home video market on VHS, Betamax, CED disc, and Laserdisc. The early video releases are the "Queen of the Galaxy" 1977 edit. Later video release versions on VHS, Laserdisc (Widescreen version), DVD and Blu-ray disc, although using the 1977 artwork, the "Queen of the Galaxy" name, and the 'PG' rating on the packaging, the film in those releases is the original 1968 version.

The DVD and Blu-Ray releases currently available are identical, featuring the film and the 1968 theatrical trailer as the disc's only bonus feature.


so which blu ray version is the one that is uncut as far as the stripping scene with jane fonda in the beginning?


See back when this film came out during the late 60's movies like this could be passed as a PG rated film. It was not until the mid 80's I believe it is that the film rating system changed. That is when the PG-13 rating was created. I grew up watching PG films with nudity when I was not even a teenager yet. I will be 40 years old in March so, I have seen the film rating system change since I have been alive.

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When I was a kid my Dad owned a drive-in theater, and we had years of movie posters in our house. I distinctly remember the poster for Barbarella in my room, and it was rated GP, the forerunner of PG, which meant General Audiences - Parental Guidance Suggested.


They used to consider nudity differently, right or wrong.
