The Flying Saucer

I have just seen this movie. Thanks to moondoggiedaddy2007 for bringing it to my attention. I have to say I like the saucer's exterior more than it's interior.

Given it's stated size as being 40-feet in diameter (with possibly a 20-feet diameter cockpit), it is comparable to the alien saucer in 1980 "Hanger 18" movie, and the alien saucers in the 1967 "The Invaders" tv series.

I liked it's one-way windows, and it's iris-style entry hatch. And I liked the blue light effect of it's saucer rim, when active. But I did not like the irritating sound it made in flight. And I did not like the concept of piloting it from a standing position. And of course the whole 'flight by magnetic fields' is ridiculous. And I thought the landing legs looked too puny to support it's weight.

I think they should have added an automatic ladder which descends when the access hatch is fully opened, and retracts before the hatch closes. And it would have been better to have a seated-pilot configuration - similar to that of the Invaders saucers.

But even with it's deficiencies, this was a far better attempt to portray an alien saucer ship than something like the Cyclops flying saucer in the 1959 "The Atomic Submarine" movie - lol.

I guess it was intended that the saucer originated from the planet Saturn. But if the aliens were from another star system... this saucer would have been only a light-speed shuttlecraft, and probably launched from a mothership - because it had no space for crew living accomidations, and no mechanisms for crew life-suspension aboard for long-duration flights.

I think I've overlooked this movie all this time because of it's stupid title. "The Bamboo Saucer" suggest a flying saucer MADE OF BAMBOO.

"Welcome to Altair-4, gentlemen". - Robby Robot: 1956 "Forbidden Planet" movie


Actually, the saucer's flight by magnetic fields is neither improbable nor implausible. In the BBC series "Future Fantastic" (1996), hosted by Gillian Anderson, spaceflight by magnetic attraction and repulsion, ion propulsion, solar-powered devices, a combination of electro-magnetic dynamos, anti-gravity, matter/anti-matter and laser-beam/photon projection were all deemed worthy of investigation and scientific analysis. "National Geographic's Destination Space: Lightcraft Concept" broadcast a program showing joint-scientific experimentation by a Dr. Leik Myrabo and the U.S. Air Force regarding laser-pumped flying saucers! Check out the following web sites: <>;, and <>;. Additionally, a scientist at the University of Florida, a Subrata Roy, has designed a wingless, electromagnetic air vehicle (WEAV), which will fly based on physical phenomena known as magnetohydrodynamics. It would utilize a magnetic field to operate. The U.S. Air Force and NASA are also getting involved with Roy, who is testing the WEAV. Check out the following web site: <>;.

A magnetic belt worn by a saucer visitor would allow that individual to abruptly "fly" up to/down from a hovering saucer, once the magnetic field was activated. Such projects are currently underway as a means for alternative energy sources. Our current usage of chemicals and gas/oil products won't last forever.

Scientists theorize the universal forces of magnetic force and gravity keep the planets in our solar system in orbit around our sun, but they don't know how it is done. It's possible a black hole keeps celestial objects and phenomena in place; scientists are just learning about black holes in the vicinity of our quadrant of the Milky Way galaxy. Just because we don't understand the processes doesn't mean it is impossible or ridiculous.

In the movie "Earth vs. the Flying Saucers" , the saucermen stated that their propulsion system was magnetic force. In the TV-series "The Invaders" , one episode titled "The Saucer" had an electrical engineer do a quick reverse-engineering analysis and told David Vincent that the propulsion was magnetic drive of an unknown power; no fuel was utilized. Another episode titled "The Pit" indicated the group The Believers were coordinating research on a magnetic propulsion project; David Vincent confirmed that they believed the saucers' power was electro-magnetic.

If the U.S. does have captured saucers at Groom Lake, NV, (AKA Area 51) and is, in turn, reverse engineering them to discover its power sources, then it all makes sense. Bob Lazar, who allegedly worked there, stated that one saucer disc that he viewed and worked on used devices called "gravity amplifiers" to propel itself at extremely high speeds, using magnetic force. Lazar himself stated that these power sources were more like "gravity neutralizers" because gravity which held things down was eliminated.

In "Bamboo Saucer" , the aliens who piloted the saucer were not from Saturn. It was never disclosed where they came from, except from an oxygen-laden environment. Their appearance was "humanoid, but different". The saucer was on that flight path towards Saturn because its magnetic attraction was "tuned in" to that direction. Additionally, one of the Earth scientists trapped in the saucer made it clear that the saucer, upon entering Saturn's atmosphere, would be crushed to the size of a baseball due to the planet's immense gravity and atmospheric conditions. Not covered was Saturn's dangerous radiation, which would have a quick, frying effect on humans. I believe that the aliens would have known this information so they would have avoided Saturn. And they certainly would not have lived there!

I agree that the saucer's interior should have had a place for the pilots to sit down. It would have been more logical to have several consoles set up, like on the bridge of the Enterprise re: "Star Trek" (TOS) or "The Invaders" . Also, the piloting of the saucer by a "joy stick" was not well thought out at all. And the concept of space travel without crew accommodations was illogical, unless it was inter-dimensional. However, that concept was never explored either.

I thought "Bamboo Saucer" was an excellent movie, despite its small budget.


I would have rather had this type of saucer in the 1980 "Hanger 18" movie. But while keeping the same interior of the UFO of that movie. I think a combination of elements from both movies would present a better movie.

"Welcome to Altair-4, gentlemen". - Robby Robot: 1956 "Forbidden Planet" movie


Combining the magnetic propulsion with inter dimensional travel would explain UFOs and how they manuever. Not from another star, or planet, just one universe slice away.


I recall watching this film once when I was very young back in the 70's and hardly remember any of it.(Except for the title of course, which even as a child I thought sounded pretty cheesy, hehe). I'd really like to see it again if I could possibly find it somewhere.

I have a question, if someone could please refresh my memory. Was it ever explained or mentioned in the film as to what the outcome was, concerning the aliens in the saucer? What became of them? Did they get killed? And if so, were their bodies taken by the chinese government?


The aliens from the "Bamboo Saucer" landed their spacecraft inside China and then ventured outside. They breathed oxygen; otherwise, they would not have ventured outside the saucer without environmental spacesuits. As a result, they succumbed to Earth's bacteria and thus died quickly. The alien bodies deteriorated fast, and the Chinese villagers burned/cremated the remains. As a result, the saucer was left unguarded!

A DVD copy of this movie may be obtained from the web site A Ghost House Production.
