MovieChat Forums > Lo sbarco di Anzio (1968) Discussion > 5.9 / 10 is way to high a rating

5.9 / 10 is way to high a rating

This really is a very bad film.

Starting from the mis-naming of the title, it has very little to do with the battle of Anzio.

As US Rangers the participants give a good impersonation of actors pretending to be soldiers, and not pretending very well. They make just about every military mistake it is possible to make, and then add in a few others for good measure. Almost every character is a stereotype, almost everything they say is a cliché.

In the "haystack ambush", a lot of these highly trained troops think that the best way to attack a machine gun nest is by frontal assault, running up-hill towards the guns. They don't just do it once. After seeing a lot of their comrades getting mown down, others think that it looks like a good idea and do the same thing. But I suppose it gets them out of the film early on

There's probably a good film that could be made about the Anzio landings and the subsequent push for Rome, but this certainly wasn't it



Just watched (attempted to watch) this mess. Didn't get past the first five minutes. It looked like a comedy/musical and Mitchum as the reporter? Falk should be the reporter Mitchum can only be the soldier.


You've got that right . . . virtually unwatchable.


Glad you mentioned the haystack ambush. Note that the frontal assault almost worked, but they mistimed when to take cover. The German machine guns are only effective to about 50 feet. I'd ask you to watch again, but don't hate you that much. Anyway, zero machine gun casualties, then everyone suddenly falls dead inside a specific range. Ugh.

Yeah, pretty unwatchable. Not just dated, bad. Hard to believe anyone thought this was good in the late 60s, even.


I’d give it a 7.
