70mm print

I just watched it in 70mm (4 steps removed from the original negative) at the Egyptian in Hollywood. I thought people were being hyperbolic when they said you haven't seen it until you've seen it in 70mm. Boy were they right! I saw details and noticed things I never saw before and which explained plot points so much better for me. If you have the opportunity I highly recommend seeking the 70mm version out in the theater!


Uplike can't explain that dimension to someone who has only seen it on a television. Gawd knows we tried.

Guacamole in my choos


Next time do try a deeply curved screen of the Dome or Martin, preferably close to the center, within 10 rows in front of the screen. The stargate corridor will look totally different.


It's been so long a time since I've seen it in 70mm, I expect it would be like seeing it again for the first time. It's just there are so few venues today, and such rare cases in which it's shown properly. The DVD age has its advantages...but this is one of its major DISadvantages.

The Dumpster gives a whole new meaning to "red" states.
