The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

This is what it was called in the UK obviously. I rememember it has never been shown here since 1974. It was first shown here in 1970 weekly, then in the summer of 1973 daily, and again weekly in 74`. Here it was in 11 episodes, with English Titles, I assume segmented from the original European Films whatever, then translated into English, credits and American actors voices dubbed over. The opening sequence of each episode was pink, I distinctly remember, with a catchy tune composed [ I assume ] by Vladimir Cosma. The other score during the episodes is both exciting and romantic.Jacques Bilodeau was an excellent Injun Joe, very scary looking,and acted the part brilliantly. Roland Demongeot, and the others too were excellent. I wonder what has happened to this version, and was it shown in the States? What a great, great pity this version has never came back on UK tv!
