Why is Dani such a bitch?

How immature and rude of her to talk to her mom like that? I mean how emo and annoying of her to put blame on Tea for feeling neglected. She said it herself shes 21 and her mom was going through *beep* like losing her husband and her baby. How dare she not only put more stress on her but treat her like that. I hope Tea or Victor put her in her place.

JEFF : I hate Glee.
PIERCE : I'm not crazy about Glee either.




I read somewhere that deep down she has been upset that Todd moved to Port Charles, which might explain her drunk calls on GH. Add that to the fact that Tea basically has been ignoring her before her OD and it is clear she was being neglected which would explain her behavior.


seeing how her mother and father behave, it runs in the family.

For downright amateur villains you birds win the nickel-plated hot dogs.


Yes, her mother lost her husband and her baby, but Dani also lost those people. Not to mention the fact that she lost the man who'd raised her for 15 years only a little over a year before, as well as her biological father also taking off for a year within a few months after meeting her for the first time.

She was going through $h*t too. In less than 2 years, her stepfather was killed, her Uncle/stepfather was killed less than a year later (by her father, no less), her biological father up and left town 6 months afterwards and finally her baby brother died a few months later.

It doesn't matter how old she was, she probably needed a parent. It doesn't seem like she had anyone. She had to deal with all that on her own.

Again, Tea was going through stuff and her grief mattered, but your child's grief should be more important than your own. If your daughter lost 2 fathers in quick succession, was abandoned by a 3rd and had that topped off with a younger sibling dying, you can't just retreat into your own grief and leave her to deal with it on her own. You know why? Because she'll find unhealthy ways to deal with it. And she did. Alcohol and drugs. And that's how she ended up in the situation she was in.

Not saying she was right for speaking to them that way, but it's understandable where she's coming from.


Starr and Dani were pretty close too, and starr left ,plus her niece died


"Starr and Dani were pretty close too, and starr left ,plus her niece died"

Actually, the new OLTL has not referenced that Hope, Starr's daughter and Dani's niece is dead. This event happened on GH. Although new OLTL is referencing Tea's baby's death and the baby switch which happened on GH. Killing Hope and Cole was part of Prospect Park's lawsuit against ABC.


Since their bodies were never found, I think it is safe to say they are alive. Probably with Marty.

For downright amateur villains you birds win the nickel-plated hot dogs.


Dani has been through a lot. Tea was ignoring her for a long while and true she is trying to make amends, Dani is hurt. Least Dani is a better daughter than Starr was. It amazes me that Todd and Blair did not wash their hands of her after the times she betrayed them.


Are you kidding me, Starr broke Todd out of jail, she plurgered herself on the stand for Victor. She's also usually the only one that believes todd or victor when they do something bad, (, ie, when victor was arrested for killing Margret and her son, when victor was arrested for pushing marty down the stairs, when todd said he didn't kill victor.) Just a few examples. I think Starr is a damn good daughter. All dani does is bitches and moans. She's mean to Todd and Tea, and it took her months to even have a conversation with Victor.


Starr always wanted to believe the good in people..all DanYella does is bitch about how terrible her life is...wa wa wa...and now she is all acting all sexy towards Matthew, like wtf? The girl is messed up. Starr always had everyone's back..DanYella has serious issues and that is why she is on the road to some bad times right now..
So I agree with you, hallee


Agreed. Dani may have had stuff happen to her but that is not stuff that has been focused on in a while she doesnt seem to be grieving over Ross and doesnt seem to care much that the baby is gone at least not from the way she talked about it last time to Todd. She is angry simply because she isn't getting attention. Starr is irritating in her own way but she was at least usually helpful and loyal. Starr lost her boyfriend and daughter and she wasnt being anything like dani on GH.

JEFF : I hate Glee.
PIERCE : I'm not crazy about Glee either.
