Journey to the Unknown

This tv program has haunted me ever since I saw it as a kid. I might forget my children's names, but not that amusement park. Any thing that I can do to help it get released on dvd, short of funding the whole thing, I would enjoy doing. Anybody else miss this show?


Well I am glad to see there is someone else besides myself who has been mystified by this show. I was 15 when this show aired and I was drawn to the music and the roller coaster. It has taken me many years to even find out the title of this show. I would describe it to my friends and family and they had no recollection of it..I was beginning to think I imagined it all. Wouldn't it be nice if they could just give us a few bars of that haunting music to listen to on this site?


Anyone who likes JTTU needs to check out the British TV series "Thriller" [1974].It was made after "Journey" so it could be said to be a ripoff,but the stories were great and the music and titles were spine chilling.






I referred to the latter portion about the girl. I called it BEAUTIFUL DREAMER, but since initial posting, I believe it's called GIRL OF MY DREAMS. Anyway, it scared the s--t out of me when I saw it back as a 7 year old youngster in the Fall of 1968. Actor Michael Callan was the guest star. Some quasi famous Brit played the girl. That was the shows policy. An American actor, most of the time on their way down, like LAW AND ORDER, and they were paired with Brits, since the show was filmed in England.

Anyway, the girl that could predict the dreams was EXCELLENT, and it still holds up today. I watched a bootleg copy of it a couple of years ago and it's still great. CALLAN played a struggling photographer, and he falls for the girl of his dreams. She can predict the future, and he wants to exploit her for profit, and she doesn't want to do it, so he kills her, and I think before she dies, she tells him he will as well.

I remember this one scene where a large ball is bouncing in the street, and a kid goes to get it. It had a haunting feeling for me then, and the scene is still riveting.



The girl in question is Zena Walker, who is best known for various UK TV character roles, such as appearing in 'The Likely Lads' alongside her husband Julian Holloway. Despite her Cockney accent in the Hammer play in question, she was actually from Birmingham. She was also married to Robert Urquhart, and horror-wise she also appeared in episodes of THRILLER and ARMCHAIR THRILLER. Her last role was opposite Flick Kendal and Babs Ferris in their misfired detective series, 'Rosemary And Thyme' (2003)' she died soon after, aged 69.

The best episodes of JOURNEY TO THE UNKNOWN to my mind were THE LAST VISITOR, with Kay Walsh and Patty Duke, MAKATITAS IS COMING (the one set in a library) and THE MADISON EQUASIONS- the ending of which must have scared the bejabbers (whatever they are)out of everybodya the time, as computers were somewhat 'new fangled' then.

I am currently consulting several persons about the possibility of a DVD release.
"I'm sorry about the room"
"Oh, that's OK, we have lots of others."


I, too, have childhood memories (I was 14 in 1968) of this short-lived series, and would definitely be interested in a DVD release. I would buy it. Heck, if they can put out "The Time Tunnel" on DVD (coming soon), which lasted only one season, why not this series? Please keep us informed on any progress regarding a DVD release of this superb series.


Does anyone remember an episode where a woman was locked in a library or some other kind of building. If I remember correctly, there is an era or time changed involved. It maybe another series but I too remember the rollercoaster. How wonderful to know there are people out there to validate my memory.


That was Matakitas is Coming, and is my favorite episode. In fact, for many years it was the only episode I remembered because it was so creepy it gave me nightmares (I was about 11 or 12 when I saw it). I too spent years trying to find out what show it was, let alone the episode title, thinking maybe I imagined the whole thing. I would love it if they released this on DVD. A friend taped some episodes off the TV for me when it was rerun in her city awhile back but I would practically kill for an entire official DVD set. ~sigh~


someome in a crowd is mine i think is was really creepy, david hendison and jane asher, this was about a man who seen the same people together in a crowd when someone dies in accident.cult and scary.


I have been trying for years to get anyone to remember this show! The opening credits always had the roller coaster and an errie whistling. I scared the
pants off me as a kid... I finally stumbled upon it on a British site called Television Heaven. What a relief! I would kill to see a DVD of the series.


I too have always remembered and thought about this show! My parents were oddly lax and allowed me to watch it even though it was creepy as all get-out. The opening sequence especially has to be the eeriest one ever created, the music, the empty roller coaster! I'm amazed there is an IMDb board for the show; this is great. We do need a DVD release.


Try ebay.That's where I got mine.Not bad quality either.


Exactly . The title sequence has stayed with me all my life ! Has it been repeated recently anywhere ? I would love to see it again.


it would be great to see it on dvd, however, short term, you can get watchable dvds on ebay, i have the lot, it is ok very watchable, but great, to have this cult show on hand to watch. i named a foottball fanzine after can imagine the interest i got.cult.
