Such Crap

By the end of the '60's I just about gave up on television. All my shows ran its course and were off the air by the time this appeared on the boob tube. Did Mr. Wagner ever had a bad hair day?


I disagree.
Wagner did a nice job of making the character believable, even if the material was not that good all the time.
Their refusal of bringing Malachi Throne to Europe also hurt the last year.


I see you two are gigantic intellectuals living for stuff that was crap ten years before it went off the air. Good taste is timeless.

"What is the sound an imploding pimp makes?"
Alonso Semple McFlondheim


Yodzingle, don't you think a personal attack on two completely innocent people on a message board is uncalled for?


I second gluserty's emotion about this issue. I disagree with the OP; granted, I was just nine when the series first aired, but I grew up with the classic spy shows, and I always thought It Takes a Thief held its own with them. Sometimes, good chemistry and/or charismatic performers can lift a show beyond less than stellar writing or other issues.

Put puppy mills out of business: never buy dogs from pet shops!
