MovieChat Forums > It Takes a Thief (1968) Discussion > marilyn mccoo and the 5th dimension

marilyn mccoo and the 5th dimension

On your guest star list,you don't mention that there was an episode based around the 5th dimension and marilyn mccoo.Marilyn was being forced to include three notes at the end of one of the band's song.The song played over the"muzak"system in a hotel will cause a statue to explode killing a foreign dignitary.Robert wagner and Marilyn come within an inch of kissing.AAhhh ,the late 60's.Does anyone else remember?


Yes, I've seen that ep! RJ and Marilyn were great together!



Oh yes, (except that it was a glass sailing ship) and the song was "One Less Bell To Answer".

I loved ITAT and my 12 year old little heart had the biggest crush on Robert Wagner.



Maybe if Wagner plays Alistair Mundy in the remake--McCoo could play his wife. Then, Wentworth Willer could play their kid, Alexander. Or Vin Deisel. LOL.

Carpe Noctem


My FAVORITE episode of them all. Thanks for bringing this up. Those were truly the days.


As a young teenager, I was a big fan of Al Mundy.
I thought he *did* kiss Marilyn. I remember that having a positive effect on race relations.


Unfortunately, as is typical of the late-sixties, they punted on the kiss by having Wagner and McCoo get interrupted just as they were about to "consummate". They were just still too scared in the late sixties to have an interracial kiss so "Thief", unfortunately, was not the first to break the mold.


Speaking of the late '60's and interracial kissing, does anyone remember the original "Star Trek" with Kirk and Uhura?


Chris-636, I most definitely remember that 'so-called' kiss, but I'm here to tell you that unless my eyes were really deceiving me, I 'never' actually considered that to be an "real" kiss because of the way in which it was done. It looked 'forced' and not at all 'authentic' to me, then again it's just my opinion.

If you want to see what I consider to be a 'real' kiss, then rent 'The Omega Man' with Charlton Heston and Rosalind Cash (one of the most prolific black actresses who ever lived). I realize it was set during the early 70's but that's what I considered real (interracial) kissing, and maybe because the circumstances were different, but boy did I find their scenes to be very good ones and more believable.


"Kirk" & "Uhura" looked forced cause that was the premise of the episode. The character Parmen forces the landing party to perform for him and is followers using his PSI powers which he and the others had acquired by eating the native foods. At one point he forces both Kirk & Uhura and Spock & Christine Chapel to go through the motions of kissing, etc.


CCross-2, but I thought the screen faded to black, and concluded with an 'alternate' scene? I was a young girl who'd actually been waiting to see that 'special' scene, but unfortunately it never came.

Just so you should know, there were many many others who'd also waited for 'it', and were quite disappointed in what happened in the long run, because that 'particular' scene was talked about (on trains, buses, you name it) for several weeks ("what's the big deal, he's a guy, she's a girl, let them kiss".). Also, I could be way off base here, which I don't think I am, but some people have even stated that this was one of the 'BEST' episodes on the show.

Thanks very much for bringing back such great memories, those were really the days my friends.


Emmjewels, I would have to agree that the chemistry was real between Heston and Cash (and she was one of the greatest actresses who died way too young) in that film "The Omega Man". Did you know that Heston himself had recommended Cash for that part? Now that I think about it, that kiss between Kirk and Uhura did seem forced and unpassionate not like that of Heston and Cash.


there is a 'small' part of me that's not surprised by what you've written, as I didn't learn until about seven or maybe eight years ago, that some of the 'older' caucasian-american actors had some 'well-known' black actresses as their 'on-the-side' lovers (one very well-known case in point, actor Werner Klemperer, not sure if I spellled his name right, Col. Klink from 'Hogan's Heroes'. Another, was the actor who played 'Frank Burns' on 'Mash' whose last wife was a black woman as well).

Also, as for that 'supposed kiss' with Kirk and Uhura, if you play that scene in slow-mo (as I've done many times), you will see for yourself that it 'never' looked real, but faked and forced from beginning to end. I personally 'do not' consider it to be one of the 'first' interracial kisses anywhere. Thanks for info on Heston and Cash.


Did you know that Gene Roddenberry had a long-term affair with Nichelle Nichols before Star Trek, too?


Did Spock ever kiss anyone? Maybe that was the first interracial kiss.


Spock "kissed" "Lela Kalomi", Jill Ireland, who was Charles Bronson's wife in the episode "This Side of Paradise." Jill was quite white as is/was Majel Roddenberry (Chapel) and Mariette Hartley (Zarabeth) who "Spock" kissed in the same episode (Plato's Stepchildren) as Kirk & Uhura and in the episode "All Our Yesterday's respectively.


Having watched the episode again, it would not surprise me if the producers actually filmed a kissing scene between Wagner and McCoo but the ABC networks censors got cold feet and asked the scene to be deleted.

Actually, Wagner's character did give a brief goodbye kiss to a character played by Denise Nicholas one season earlier. (Season 2, episode 12: "To Catch a Roaring Lion")


That's exactly what happened (the editing of the Wagner/McCoo kiss). At one of his recent book signings, Robert Wagner told a fan who reported it on a fan site that he did kiss her, but the scene was cut. He was reportedly very adament about it (took her a minute to figure out that the scene had been cut), and he seemed very frustrated that it was cut.




Please stop pointing yourself up as an evolutionary failure and actually *read* the post. I said he rumouredly had affairs with two black female actresses after his divorce from Natalie Wood. You might, BTW, want to "stop the slander" yourself by not referring to women of color as "chocolates", or inferring that it is somehow disgraceful for white males to have relations with them. Please and thanks.




Admins, thank you *very* much for pulling those offensive and racist posts from this thread. Big thumbs up!





