Did this ever air in syndication?

Something reminded my mom of this show recently, and she swears that it is something I watched and I absolutely loved it. I have NO memory of this show. I was born in '79, so unless it reaired, I couldn't have seen it. Does anyone know if I could have possibly seen it?

I am Fire. I am...DEATH!
Well Thief, where are you? Come now, don't be shy. Step into the light!


In fact, compadre, it Has aired in syndication. It was broadcast on local stations throughout the 70s and 80s. Then in 1992, Cartoon Network aired it until around 2004. Over those years it got pushed to a later and later time slot. THEN it was on Boomerang from 2004 until 2010, and after that - it has yet to be seen on American television again. There was an attempt at a reboot in 2008 but it didnt catch on.

I, however, have written a movie script I hope to someday get produced by Warner Bros.

tRuE sTAR LeGEnd


It did. I watched it around the time you were born, about '79-'80, when I was 11 or 12. It used to air on the old WLVI channel 56 here in Boston. That's how I discovered them, and man I wish Hanna Barbera hadn't let the show fall into the public domain. I'd love to buy the show on DVD.
