Ow my eyes

This film gave me a headache with all the fast edits and flashing lights. Some of the scenes were somewhat interesting, but on the whole, it was the most unlike-lsd movie I have seen.

The bit where he stares in the mirror and sees freaky faces was quite realistic (and spooky) but all the running around in the woods and beach, being chased by horses and meeting Dennis Hopper on a roundabout - none of that struck a chord

I took a lot of potent lsd in my younger days (wouldn't dream of it now, nor would I recommend it) and I always knew where I was. Hallucinations only involve things which are actually there (if that makes sense) so you would see faces on trees, people's faces would seem scary and I remember my own hand being fascinating (I think that appears in the film, too)

A better depiction of a trip can be seen in Gilliam's "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas", I thought. Especially the carpet!!

I've been in the group for years and I know, he always listens.


The pattern from the carpet creeping up the walls during the check-in scene from F&LiLV is the most realistic depiction of an LSD hallucination ever committed to film.


**it I have to watch that gem again, haven't seen it for ages now. Saving it for a special occasion.



I watched (or TRIED to watch this) last night. I couldn't stand the editing, the flashing, the disjointed stupid way they cut it up....and I wanted to watch it, but ended up being annoyed. I came here to see if anyone else felt that way. I so agree with your Fear & Loathing depiction. Love that film. What you said is interesting and true. Once, on LSD, my friends and I were at Joshua Tree and it was surreal, to say the least, as it appeared we were mere ants on huge chunks of sand. You described it very well, the being based on things already there...



The whole movie was a giant headache to me too. By the end, my eyes hurt.

Never took LSD, but have spoken with people who did back in the 60s and 70s, and yeah, it doesn't much sound like running through the woods dressed like you're on a romance novel cover.
