acid killer

In the movie Peter Fonda has a substance to take if he starts having a bad trip, someone knows what's the substance, is that real?


i think it's mentioned by a name... watch closer, and report back!


I don't know about the substance in the movie (a long time since I saw it) but I'd heard that lithium was supposed to work. My friends and I always used to carry cartons of fresh orange juice because one of us heard that it could counteract lsd but, despite guzzling pints of this down at the first sign of intensity, I don't think it ever really worked

I've been in the group for years and I know, he always listens.


Its Thorazine; an anti-psychotic that used to be used as a LAST resort for bad trips because it effectively freezes the person into a vegatative state until the drug wears off. No one uses this anymore. Since bad environments are the usual cause of bad trips, simply removing the person from the environment and offering calm support will turn it around.

TRIVIA: the thorazine line is used at the beginning of MINISTRY's "Just One Fix" (with distortion). AND a Dennis Hopper line from Apocolypse Now is also on this album (Psalm 69)

BTW: Orange juice tends to intensify the experience, not the other way around.



While it's dangerous, I kow people who, back in the day, used to take barbituates (the ones which are almost impossible to get today) with LSD to take the edge off. I even know some who constantly drank alcohol to still have an experience but a slightly less intense one for fear of a freak-out.

'We're not in Medford now; we're in a hurry.'


What do you mean, constantly drank alcohol? During the trip?



Today people use benzodiazpam which i cant spell its AKA Valium which is one the most perscribed drugs so it should be easy to get. I would never abort the trip myself, buy the ticket, take the ride


What do you mean, constantly drank alcohol? During the trip?

I should have been more specific. The few I spoke with, who ahead-of-time feared a freak-out, drank massive amounts of alcohol before the trip. I realize that this somewhats defeats the purpose, but this is what I was told.

Of course the barbiturates are a different matter and are not recommended. They are simply too potent and the chance of an accidental, lethal, overdose is significant.

Frankly, if someone wants to "trip" a bit, but not too much, eat 500 mg. of diphenhydramine (Google it), on an empty stomach; the drug is available over the counter. While not nearly as potent as acid, it still packs a surprising hallucinogenic punch. Having said this, which is hardly a secret, I still must say that I think that anybody who does this is very unwise.



off the web

Yeah, I took 30 just to try it and see what it was like. Gravity is the worst on it and i also kept on seeing millions of tiny little spiders crawling everywhere and whenever i put my hand down where they were, they would all move away from my hand, but would still be all around the table. I also started thinking that people were there that weren't really there and I wound up having a 30 minute conversation with my dog. There was no euphoria and it was easily the worst trip I have ever had.


Our early 70's partying on LSD ALWAYS included tremendous amounts of alcohol before during & after using LSD - definitely took the edge off but hardly dampened the LSD overall effects - and smoking weed heightened it as needed ... Long Live The Dead - Garcia was quite an entertainer on guitar to tripping audiences !


Thorazine is also suggested for such a purpose by Raoul Duke in Fear & Loathing.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


