The host at the party...

Was he a patient or a guard? Because sometimes you would see him walking around in some sort of uniform, but then one of the older ladies said to someone else "and did you know that man who hosted, he is the worst one? He is paranoid" or something like that.

So I'm confused. Was he a patient or a guard? He looked a bit... crazy.


He was a guard. Some of the scenes made me wonder who was the patient and who were the keepers too. I noticed there was a lot of smoking going on by the nurses, guards and doctors. It was poetic their own addictions and mental defects were not treated or diagnosed. After watching the movie it makes me wonder if any of us are really completely sane.


I agree that "It was poetic their own addictions and mental defects were not treated or diagnosed. After watching the movie it makes me wonder if any of us are really completely sane. "

Nevertheless I must point out smoking was _much_ more common in U.S. society in the 60's, perhaps most prominently among mental and physical health care professionals. Whether or not the level of smoking we see was "typical" I don't know for sure (I just know the level was a whole lot higher than nowadays).
