Chinese/Asian Women?

What is her name? I'm trying out for her in a couple montha. I haven't seen the movie but I really need to know her name.
Is it Mrs. Meers?

MySpace. What the hell is that? Is that like a porn site or something? ~Dean Winchester


Mrs. Meers IS her name. Played on film by the great Bea Lillie.

Dorothy stop that, Mr. Ha Ha`s lookin at you!!


Oh god, was she supposed to actually BE Asian? I prefer to think of Mrs Meers as a Caucasian woman obsessed with Asian culture. The alternative is maybe not outright upsetting like Mickey Rooney in "Breakfast at Tiffany's," but it's unsettling. No, better to think of this lovely performance as a character who is a white woman ingratiating herself with Chinese criminals and thinks she's actually speaking proper Chinese wherever she goes.


That was my impression as well. She worked with Asian gansters, so she adopted an Asian appearance. It's her attire clashing with her caucasian features that causes the hilarity!

The difference between knowing your sh**
and knowing you're sh**.


Oh Pook.

Let Zygons Be Zygons.


On Broadway, they made Mrs Meers a failed actress who lived as an alias. She was a criminal, after all !


She wasn't Asian. She was a criminal. She was fetishizing their culture (at best).
