Non sense films

Terra em Transe and A Idade da Terra are Glauber Rocha"s two big mistakes. A group of his close friends still praise these two films as master pieces!!! But the most serious movie critics, with a truly cinematic culture,disapproved and rejected the silliness. Greetings to Diabo na Terra do Sol and O Dragão da Maldade Contra o Santo Guerreiro.Luiz Antonio Macedo. Brasil


a idade da terra is, indeed very bad and nonsense. but Terra em Transe is the best Rocha movie by far. Is pure political poetry. The camera movements are glorious. The edition, the screenplay, all the allegories of the military dictatorship and what preceeded it. It's a movie crafted with so much care. It's beyond perfect.
I assume you are not familiar with history of Brazil, since you said the movie is non sense. Believe me, every single line in this movie has something to do with what was going on in brazil in the 60's.
maybe you just don't enjoy political films.


I thought it was a great film. Very powerful. Maybe its scope is too big but it's a film full of meaning and intensity. Sure, it's a little challenging but that's part of its experimental language. It requires a little more effort but that's just the nature of the language Rocha uses.
