An ORGANIC ship?

When the "bomb" gets the surge of electricity it needs to come alive, I just love the way that the inside of it is portrayed as veins and arteries with "blood" starting to flow through them, and how when it's fully powered and glowing when Colonel Breen comes to sit down and cook in its heat, you can see all the blood vessels cumulating in a spot near the front of it, like it was its brain. I always thought that was a very interesting concept for a Sci-Fi film of the time, one in which few TV shows have capitalised on, Star Trek and Babylon 5 among them.


One of the witness testimonies in the Sirius Disclosure project by Dr Steven Greer describes the Roswell crash has an actual event with a downed craft and bodies recovered. The testifier Philip Corso Jr the son of Colonel Corso who wrote the book “The Day after Roswell” describes the ship has a living entity that died that day in 1947 “It turned from blue to brown” and the occupants being integral to the ship. Whilst I give the testimony no credence,the video is quite compelling. ”It was as if the ship did some of the thinking”

Link here



Organic spaceships are a VERY common idea in SF, and you must have read very little indeed if you didn't know this. And the first manifestation of this idea goes way, way, way back.

The inspiration is the idea of insects 'in space'- very large insects of course. Writers knew about insects long before rockets. The spaceship in Lexx is a giant bug, but that's a recent example.
