Is this any good?

All I've ever seen of this is gorgeous and wonderful Susan Oliver taking LSD and thinking she's in some kind of Freak-out/Alice in Wonderland world. It's amazing, weird, stupid, trippy and wonderful, but is that as good as it gets or is there more of that in this movie? Anyone?

I can shuffle cut and deal but I can't draw a hand


I'd never seen or heard of THE LOVE-INS before but happened to catch it about 3AM last night on TCM. Basically it's like a "Bad Trip" version of the Summer of Love, something like Jack Webb might have produced for "Dragnet." On the positive side, there's a lot of early 1967 Haight-Ashbury color footage shot on location in and around Golden Gate Park, and the exploitation flick features a few minor S.F. groups, such as the Chocolate Watch Band, providing versimilitude in some "Happening" scenes, and a crude approximation of the loonieness of the time, with occasional "psychedelic" special-effects during "trippy" moments which verge on the hilarious. However, there's little humor in the script, which focuses on a "LSD Cult" led by a self-obsessed Richard Todd playing a grossly-distorted Tim Leary character. The cartoon-like "hippies" are dumb, idealistic, earnest and easily led astray and Todd is vain and motivated by sex & profit. The film definitely captures the Spiro Agnew tenor of the time and the bizarre conclusion seems predictably nuts. This is the Summer of Love your parents warned you about!!!


Thanks for the heads-up, I figured as much."The Establishment" trying to make a movie about "Anti-Establishment." At least Roger Corman tried LSD before making "The Trip," ha ha. And at least I have a copy of the scene where Oliver goes apesh!t and thinks she's in Wonderland, sounds like that IS about as good as it gets...thanks for the post!

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds



Thanks for the comments! I had a couple friends mention that this double feature played last wknd and I'm sorry I missed it...well...sorta. I've been hearing about Skidoo for years but it sounds like it was so bad it's just...bad! Whereas I will always like the freakout scene in "Love-Ins" and Susan Oliver, even in a bad movie, is enjoyable, I think.

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds




If you take enough drugs, even The Grateful Dead sound good. No, this is absolutely terrible. It's only redeeming quality is the gorgeous and wonderful ( and angelic ) Susan Oliver!


Goo is what tape is all about. Goo is what makes it tape instead of *paper*


It's awful movie, really bad!


Don't Make Me Have to Release the Flying Monkeys!



That was one blistering, heartfelt and (hopefully) cathartic purge of bile and vitriol...

