Linda Miller (Susan Watson)

What ever happened to her? Not much on here about
that subject. She was pretty hot.

I can see why Kong went ape over her.

Ooo Ooo ah ah!!


I agree. She was very cute.

"Kong! Kong! Come back, King Kong!" :-)

No blah, blah, blah!


She was Jackie Gleasons daughter. Did several other films and some TV stuff.

No this film isn't on her IMDB resume, some have her as a model, so...I dunno. Wiki says it's Gleason, but...well take that with a grain of salt. But I've found other sights that list her. Never saw her tho, so I can't say for certain.

Also, the Japanese actress who played the Madame Pihrana is in the June 1967 issue of Playboy if anyone cares ;) .

**Skin that Smokewagon and see what happens!** Tombstone



> She was Jackie Gleasons daughter...

Turns out Jackie Gleason's daughter was a different Linda Miller than the one in "King Kong Escapes". KKE's Linda Miller is also listed for appearing in a religious film called "If Footmen Tire You, What Will Horses Do?", but after watching that film on Google Video, I can tell you that credit is in error.


She's cute enough, I guess, but that voice drives me nuts. I assume she dubbed in her own voice as Rhodes Reason did. Whether or not it's actually her's it's SO freakin' annoying, SO nauseatingly perky that the first time I watched this I began to REALLY hope that the fight between Kong and MechaKong would come down to which one was going to get to stomp her! EEEEEEEEEKKKK!!!!!


Apparently Linda Miller was a model living in Japan, which helps explain
her cuteness. Apparently her voice was dubbed by a well known
cartoon vocalist.. hence the annoyance. Why they chose to use
that vocalist instead of the native english of Miller is the
real mystery. Maybe her real voice was even worse?


She was dubbed by Julie Bennett. As Miller wasn't an actress I assume she simply couldn't do the dialogue. There's a world of difference between vocal performances from non-actors and even bad actors. The voice Bennett uses is annoying but at least it has the nuance of an actress... albeit not a very good one.


Watching this again on "Svengoolie" last weekend, I couldn't get past associating the character's voice with Bennett's frequent "Looney Tunes" voices. As if the film weren't cartoonish enough -- not that there's anything wrong with that. :>)


She was a cutie.

the only difference between Lucifer and me is that I was allowed back into heaven.


I think she was my first crush. Just picked up the DVD. She is just as hot as I remembered when I was a kid.


Linda Jo Miller was teaching English on a public TV station and modeling while her father was an Air Force Major stationed in Japan. She acted and modeled upon returning to Los Angeles as Michelle Michaels. Her voice in the English version of the movie was dubbed and her blonde hair was a wig. She actually has a lovely voice and is a brunette.


Pretty as she was, I'll bet she looked even better as a brunette. I'd love to hear her real voice sounded like.


So what happend to her?


I guess she gave up on acting and started selling real estate or something. :shrugs:

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