Ralph's other options?

Why murder to finance an abortion and not either a shotgun wedding or just taking off, leaving Delores to be a single mother and/or on welfare? Being a short order cook does not seem like it would be a hard job to acquire someplace else.

I was born about that time in the Northeast, and my mother started off as a working single mother and when child care did not work out, she reluctantly went on welfare when she inquired about child care at the Department of Social Welfare. Both her parents were dead, so there was no backup plan. I had a "daytime" dad, whom I saw almost every day, but he rarely spent the night. He was quite clear he was not a deadbeat dad because he paid child support (a pittance). He was quite okay that the system was supporting us. Matter of fact, he would occasionally rub my mother's face in it about how "she was on welfare."

My family situation was not unique and I know many, many other poor children, so I was shocked that welfare or shotgun wedding was not in the cards.

While I presume Ralph was much older than Delores, through a genealogy Web site, I learned that an aunt, whom I have never met, was only 14 in the 1960s when she married the 17-year-old father of her child with parental and judicial consent. So even below age 16, a significant jail sentence is not inevitable if for having impregnating a minor.


I think you are missing something. As I posted elsewhere, Ralph is a sociopath.

The thorn defends the rose, yet it is peaceful and does not seek conflict.


I don't think Ralph was a deep thinker.


I think he was telling the truth when he said he didn't mean to kill Colbert. He saw the wallet, it occurred to him that with a lot of money one could get rid of the unwanted pregnancy. Of course it was hare-brained, nobody would have believed his story that somebody "jumped out of the bushes".
Yes, Ralph and Delores could have married and in that case he couldn't be charged with statutory rape either. But I don't think Delores wanted to marry Ralph. She was horny and not exactly picky. Heck, when she was telling the story about sex on a tombstone it seemed she was flirting with middle-aged, fat Gillespie. I think she liked sex, but she did not like men by themselves. Also, like many citizens of Sparta, Delores does not seem very bright. She would have opted for an abortion in favor of marriage…unaware that Mama Caleba's services might kill her.
