Age Of Consent In Mississippi?

Anybody know what was the age of consent in MS in 1967? It the film the girl's brother tells Gillespie that he knew the law of MS and having sex with a 16 yr old girl is considered rape.Is this correct or could this be a goof? I thought the legal age was something like 14 in that state.


It's 16, as it is in a slight majority of U.S. states. 14 is just absurd.


14 is the age of consent in Estonia, where I live, and I find it just fine.


14 as well in Germany


Actually, it's a bit more complicated. Generally, age of consent is 14 in Germany. However, if the partner is older than 21, the younger party should be at least 16, because otherwise the parents of the younger party can sue the older party for "seduction", and if the judge decides that the older party took advantage of the younger party's immaturity, he or she can get a small sentence. However, "seduction" is usually not punished severely, unlike "child abuse" which means sexual contact with a person under 14. Age of consent is 18 if the sexual contact takes place in exchange for money or with a teacher or superior at work.


Thanks for the information. Did not know most of that. It's like that in Texas (my usual place of residence), as well. There are additional age requirements/restrictions given certain circumstances, like the ones you've mentioned. Because of the variable rules governing sexual conduct in Texas, I assume it is like that in most states in America and other countries. So for all intents and purposes, the general rule is usually what applies to the question of 'age of consent', and that is all I meant.


The age of consent in the US varies from state to state, with some updates to add the age difference factor that was mentioned.

There are some exceptions, for example between teachers and students. A 23 year old teacher couldn't sleep with a 17 year old student, even if that's the age of consent, some areas it's illegal in others it's a violation of their teaching contract. I think this also applies to other areas where the older person has control or responsibility for the younger.

One way this is causing issues is an 18 year old that sleeps with their under age of consent girl/boyfriend can be labeled a sex offender if they are prosecuted.
