Brief Nudity

Hey, I feel pretty childish posting this but if you watch the bathtub scene in slow motion there are a few naked breast shots...


Hey, I feel pretty childish posting this but if you watch the bathtub scene in slow motion there are a few naked breast shots...

Here's some random responses from average americans...

"Oh my GOD" Barbara Bush and 50% of the american population

"Where can I get this film" Bill Clinton and 40% of the american population

"So what? I've got HBO" 10% of the american population

...from a irish man

"I saw that once when my neighbours wife was taking a bath" Bill O'Reilly

...and from a random sweede

"Visa pattorna!" Medel-Svenson

Ich habe eine grose schnabel


You see plenty of Magda's (Fiona Lewis') breasts too. When she is bending over to rub Alfred's (Roman Ploansky's) feet there isn't a lot left to your imagination.



I haven't seen this movie since the late 70's and just ordered it on AMAZON. I feel really silly now, because I thought I remember a lot of nudity in this movie, but maybe it was just my 'childish' mind that interpeted as such.
Either way, I was going to let my 13 year old watch it. As a previous thread on this board mentioned... we too have HBO and he's seen plenty of boobs. HA!

I am so exited to get this flick in my mail and watching it again. :)
