Kim Novak

Kim Novak starred in this MGM film and during production was thrown from a horse, and had to be replaced. Co Star David Niven's close friend Deborah Kerr was the replacement.

Kim would star again at MGM years later in The Legend of Lylah Clare and with the director of Eye Of The Devil J Lee Thompson in The White Buffalo, and co star David Hemmings who would Direct La Novak in Just A Gigolo


Interesting. I thought Ms. Kerr and David Niven were a bit too old for their roles, but they were so good it doesn't even matter.

Did you watch Kim Novak's interview with Robert Osborne? I think it was taped last year.


It might have been interesting with Novak (a lousy actress) paired with Tate (another lousy actress).

Poor Deborah Kerr looks sadly middle-aged and middle-class in those stuffy Julie Harris twinset-and-pearls.

And the geriatric Niven is a hopelessly effete and fake.


I thought their older ages worked for the story.

He always knew he could end up as a sacrifice so put off fatherhood until late in life. He and the wife were happy they were able to have a change of life family.


Interesting, because when Ms. Kerr has her running scene at the end, everything about it suggested Kim Novak in "Vertigo"- the running, the rickety stairs, the outfit, the hair, etc. Ha!
