Not to be forgetten

On July 27, 1966, Bob Buquor drowned in the ocean off Malibu Beach while filming a stunt sequence for a Hollywood movie. The MGM production, starring Tony Curtis and Sharon Tate, ironically was titled "Don't Make Waves."

Bob was the father of SkyDiving photography. The Skydiving awards of SCS and SCR are dedicated to him. I proudly hold one of them.


Wow! Thanks for this post, cuz it got me searching… and on Bob's Memorial site, it said that his work as a photographer is what motivated the jumps of mega-formations…so Bob's to credit for THAT fact…and the site said THIS about his tragic death:

"On July 27, 1966, Bob Buquor drowned in the ocean off Malibu Beach while filming a stunt sequence for a Hollywood movie. The MGM production, starring Tony Curtis and Sharon Tate, ironically was titled "Don't Make Waves."
The jump was an expensive re-shoot of a weeks worth of filming rejected by the studio. Leigh Hunt had contracted the skydiving sequences from MGM and decided to film it all without being able to watch the daily takes because the daily viewing rooms were full from the (Academy Award winning) Doctor Zhivago shooting. Bob was more concerned with saving the film, than he was for his own safety and drowned as a result. He was found with the camera in his hands and most of the footage was salvaged and used in the film. When he died Bob was 33, had been jumping for eight years, and had 990 jumps."
