where's my cain?

at the very beggining--right after the title comes up--he says "where's my cain it was right there". is cain a term for some instrument or was he talkin about coke? i don't really know if coke was all that big in the mid sixties but come to think he did seem pretty coked up throughout the entire movie--check out when he is watching donovan playin that song towards the end


I'm pretty sure he meant an actual CANE, as in a walking stick.



It is a walking stick cane--you see him using it later in the movie, when they are doing the sound check at the Royal Albert Hall. Bob Neuwirth is seen with it in the "Subterranean Homesick Blues" sequence. It was part of his new "mod" look, apparently. Joan Baez has talked about how the mod clothes, and his walking around with the cane, were parts of his new "persona" that she found annoying.
Speed, pot and booze were Dylan's drugs of choice in the mid-sixties, not coke.
