Marianne Faithful

Marianne Faithful is listed as a cast member in this film. Can anybody tell me where she appears?


I'm not entirely sure, but my guess is that she is the woman sitting on her own at the back of the stage when Dylan checking out the Albert Hall(just before the show)towards the end of the film.


Marianne Faithfull (as it is spelled) appears in the "Percy's Song" scene, sitting in the corner as Dylan types. Hope that helps.
Dave Saunders


That woman seated in Albert Hall is starlet and singer Dana Gillespie who went out with Dylan at the time.


yeah she was like 15 or 16 too. And he was married. Not cool man, not cool at all.


Dylan didn't get married until November 1965.
This documentary was filmed in April/May 1965.


and people don't get married out of the blue, so he was engaged or at least really serious with his soon to be wife, and screwing a 16 year old?



Sara Lownds, the imminent Mrs. Zimmerman, met up with Bob in London (he got sick when he was with her in Portugal, on a break in the tour) and that was how and where Joan Baez found out she had a rival for Dylan's affections. Sara must have been just on the verge of getting pregnant, since the first Dylan offspring was born in early 1966.

This information was found in "Positively 4th Street: The Early Lives and Times of Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Mimi Baez Farina and Richard Farina", by David Hajdu...a fascinating book. None of the four was a particularly nice person, except possibly Mimi...
