Where was Shelley Morrison

I just watched this film, and I noticed Shelley Morrison was supposed to be in it playing a character named Jackie. Who was Jackie?


I thought the same thing, but she's in there. She plays one of Dick and Debbie's friends, but she doesn't have any lines though. You can see her in the party that they throw in the opening few minutes, plus later she's sitting in the group of women behind Debbie during the divorce trial.


I just saw this movie a few days ago and I thought she played Dick Van Dyke's secretary.


As the other poster said she is in the party scene early on in the film, she doesn't have any lines.


You can see her much more clearly in the scene when the divorce is granted. She's directly behind Debbie Reynolds in the cluster of women who stand up to congratulate her character on the ruling. She has auburn hair and bangs with a ponytail. She's fully visible as the women leave the courtroom single file.
