Carnac the Magnificant

Johnny Carson had a recurring skit where he would play Carnac the Magnificant. Carnac was a psychic. Carnac had a stack of sealed envelopes with questions inside. Like Jeopardy, Carnac would tell us the answer before we knew the question. Carnac would hold an envelope up to his forehead and answer the question that was contained in the sealed envelope. He would then open the envelope and read the question.

In one case, he held an envelope up to his head and said the answer was, "Cool Hand Luke". What was the question?

I'll post Carnac's question in a week if no one knows.


I don't know, but I'll bet a dollar it had to do with eggs.

- What are you gonna do, when the world catches on?


Not eggs, but it did have something to do with another food in the dairy section of a grocery store. The joke is centered around the title and had nothing to do with the content of the film. (i.e. if Luke Skywalker had been Cool Hand Luke, the joke would have been just as funny)

I don't know why, but this is the only Carnac the Magnificent joke that I remember. It came to mind when I watched the film last week.


Cool Whip?

- What are you gonna do, when the world catches on?


Since you are the only one interested....

Carnac: The answer is, "Cool Hand Luke"
Carnac opens the envelope and reads the question: Who do the cows hate to see coming in the morning?


Ha! That's actually funny. When I was allowed to stay up late enough to watch Johnny Carson, he had pretty much stopped doing the 'Carnac' bit, but it's been spoofed a hundred times.

- What are you gonna do, when the world catches on?


Loved Carnac


Me too.


That joke is "UDDERLY" ridiculous !
