Liz's accent

Is it just me or did Liz have an accent that went in and out? What was her nationality supposed to be in this movie?


Supposed to be German, but seems to be very much influenced by perhaps an English boarding school.


I never would have guessed German. Liz could get away with murder in the 60s. I seriously cringe everytime she opens her mouth in this movie.


I didn't know until I came to this page that she was supposed to be German. I guessed French, but, as you said, the accent came and went and was mostly American.


It was probably the worst performance I've ever seen her give and much of it was due to that inconsistent, quasi- French but supposedly German accent. Just awful, Meryl Streep she ain't!


Seriously! I never thought Liz was a great actress until Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?. Her voice was like nails on a chalkboard and it fit that character perfectly.
